Timetables of the lines
The line Rennes < > Mont Saint-Michel operates 7 days a week , all year round.
The pick-up point is at the Rennes bus station. From the railway train plateform, take the « Sortie Nord » ( north exit), turn right and follow the signs towards the « Gare routière » (bus station).
Every trip is in connection with the TGV high-speed train to and from Paris, so you can do a round trip from Paris in one day .
You can find all the practical information by downloading the timetable bellow .
Our services are subject to seat availability. To guarantee a seat on board, booking online is strongly recommended.
The line Saint-Malo < > Mont Saint-Michel offers 2 departure points in Saint-Malo, and will take you directly to the Mont Saint-Michel. The line operates from Monday to Sunday (except on public holidays).
You can find all the practical information by downloading the timetable bellow .
Our services are subject to seat availability. To guarantee a seat on board, booking online is strongly recommended.
Both lines will drop you off at the bus stop "Mont Saint-Michel", next to the Tourist Information Center. Free shuttles located nearby will take you to the foot of the Mont Saint-Michel in just 10 minutes ! Another possibility is to walk along the footbridge to enjoy the view (about 35 minutes).
Our services are subject to seat availability. To guarantee a seat on board, booking online is strongly recommended.
You can book your trip up to NOVEMBER 2nd 2025 !